Cozy Holiday Home
As we ease out of the holiday season and into winter hibernation mode, there’s nothing like a cozy atmosphere to truly set the scene.
To create the ultimate cozy atmosphere, consider our best tips.
Bring On The Blankets! Add throw blankets to every room. Folded nicely along the bottom of each bed, placed on corners of couches, and even one for the front porch, will all add something extra special to each space.
Add Fire! Let’s be clear here, we’re talking super safe fire such as one made by an adult in your family’s designated fireplace, or delicious smelling candles that are placed out of reach of children. There’s nothing cozier than cuddling by the fireplace as snow falls outside.
Layer Up! Layer bedding with plush down comforters, swap out duvets, and update pillows. Layer rugs indoors for extra warmth under feet, and outside for a vibrant winter welcome. Layer dish towels, bath towels, and hand towels. Layer sweaters, too! Basically anything that can be layered will instantly improve cozy quality control.
Leave The Lights! You may be finished decorating for the holidays but consider leaving your twinkly lights up for the winter season. There’s something truly magical about strands of lights shining throughout your home or outdoor space. Keep a touch of holiday magic all throughout the year.
Winter is the perfect time to get cozy, settle in, and rest up for the start of the year. We hope you get to enjoy the quiet, cooler season with lots of snuggles and piles of blankets.