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Five Easy Ways To Design Your Child’s Room

As any parent can tell you, one of the most exciting ways to prepare for a new baby is by creating the nursery of their dreams. Designing a space that your future little one will grow up in, or creating a big kid bedroom for your toddler can be magical, yet can also be a bit overwhelming and filled with emotions. We’ve compiled five easy ways to design a bedroom for your child.

How To Add Color to a Nursery

1. Use Toys As Decor. Let’s face it, when you have kiddos, your home is covered in toys. Stuffed animals clutter nearly every space and you’re bound to step on a Lego as you try to quietly tip toe out of a room. Why not use those toys as decor for your little one? Arrange stuffed animals on or near the bed, bring in the rocking horse or dollhouse, and fill shelves with favorite books for easy bedtime stories. This is a win-win as it gets some of the clutter out of grown up spaces. Be careful not to bring in any toys that light up, make noise, or are so beloved that your child will opt to play instead of snooze. Nobody needs an exhausted toddler who stayed up all night playing.

2. Go High & Low. This tip may be the mantra you choose to employ during your children’s bedroom renovation. Not only to navigate the highs and lows of emotions you may feel but for several other reasons. First, think high and low when selecting furniture, decor, flooring, curtains, and so on. Invest in a few high end items for important aspects such as a solid, well made crib or bed, supportive mattress for healthy sleep, and a sturdy dresser for storage that lasts for many years. For smaller items, such as trendy or age-related decor (Paw Patrol, anyone?) that they may one day hopefully grow out of, along with bedding, knick knacks, child-friendly art, and so on, aim for more low end pieces. Don’t spend too much on things that won’t make it beyond age three. Choose child-friendly fabrics and spill proof textiles so when juice is spilled all over the rug or markers meet the walls, no one freaks out too much.

Another way to consider high and low as your design method for creating the toddler bedroom of your dreams is to take it, well, a bit more literally. Think low when it comes to storage and accessibility. Little ones should be able to reach their items not only to use them but to learn how to clean up and put their toys away (they’ll get there, slowly but surely). Think high when it comes to safely storing items up and away from curious hands by creating areas where only parents can reach. Utilize vertical shelving units and secure wall decor and lighting closer to the top of the walls. As a bonus, placing items higher up draws the eye upward, elongating walls and creating the illusion of a bigger room.

3. Get Your Kids Involved. While it may be faster or easier to just do a quick child’s bedroom makeover yourself, including your littles will create memories, foster a sense of confidence in them, and teach them that you value their input. Let them have input as to what type of room they may like, colors they enjoy, or characters they’d like to feature. While you wouldn’t necessarily choose to wake up in a Dr. Seuss themed room, it may thrill your book-loving little girl to no end. Perhaps the thought of a Disney kid’s bedroom makes you a little dizzy, but to your five-year-old, nothing would be cooler. You can use this time for endless teaching moments whether it’s helping a pre-teen understand budgeting or helping a toddler understand patience (just kidding, they’ll never get that), there are countless precious parent-child experiences to share by re-designing a room together. After all, they’ll only be young once so let them be little and let them be involved.

4. Go With The Grow. When gathering ideas for making a great kid’s bedroom, consider the big picture. For example, this HHC Living design above features a wonderful pre-teen girl’s room that can grow with her all the way through high school. Utilizing a classic chandelier, classy dresser, and fun art creates the potential to simply swap out bedding, stuffed animals, and curtains later on in life for more grown up pieces. The sweet shade of violet works from elementary school all the way up into college as it’s neither too youthful nor too boring and adult. Kids should have rooms designed for kids however there’s no time like the present to also consider the future. If figuring out what elements to use long term makes your head spin, we’re more than happy to help create a custom bedroom design for your child (and maybe one for you, too).

5. Think Safety First. There’s no more important tip for designing a child’s bedroom than safety, safety, safety. Choose paint, bedding, furniture, and cleaning supplies that are all free of harmful chemicals and toxins. Take careful measures to baby proof by using outlet covers, tucking wires safely away, and securing furniture to the walls. Double check nothing is left in the room that your toddler might accidentally ingest or get into when no one is looking. The only thing better than a beautifully designed baby’s room is a beautifully designed and exceptionally safe baby’s room.

Above all else, our best tip for designing a perfect kid’s bedroom is to have fun! Enjoy the process and make a room that both you and your little love to spend time in. We’d love to hear your top tips for designing a kid’s room! Have you done a re-design by yourself? Are you currently in the process of making your first nursery? Leave us a comment telling us about your children’s interior design dilemmas and victories.


HHC Living owns all photos seen on this blog post. At no time may you use any of our photos, as-is or edited, without written permission.


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