Back To School Design Updates
With the start of a new school year comes many changes for families. While not every change is guaranteed to be enjoyable, incorporating interior design updates is a sure way to have some fun celebrating Back-To-School days.
Homework Stations
New classes and new teachers means new homework. For some reason there’s always much more homework once school begins as opposed to summer, we can’t seem to figure out why. Maintaining a dedicated homework zone helps kids focus, complete assignments, and utilize time better (in order to get to playing quicker, of course). While any flat surface will make due, desks or nooks are ideal. Stock the area with necessary items like pencils, paper, art supplies, calculators, and anything grade-specific.
Every parent needs a space where they know muddy shoes and jackets will be dropped upon arriving home, and every child needs a designated spot to drop their backpack before running in for a snack. Keep bags, important school papers, empty lunchboxes, and outdoor wear all in one place with a convenient mudroom. Utilize a locker inspired design, cubbies, or benches for little ones to hop on and off easily. Tile can be easily wiped clean and a place for shoes is a must.
Home Office
Not every update needs to just be for the kiddos. Switch up your personal home office to reflect the current season of life. Select brightly colored file folders, desktop organizers, or a new chair. Create a space that not only looks nice but helps you be productive and focused. Gather office inspo from some of our favorite HHC Living designs on instagram.
Calendar/Organization Central
While a calendar can be implemented in any of the above areas, this is our best tip for making a minimal design change with maximum impact for the back to school season. Consider painting a wall with chalk paint and utilizing a large chalkboard area to keep everyone on point for activities and important dates. As a bonus, creativity will be blooming since drawing on the wall will be encouraged. Alternatively a large dry erase board or hanging calendar can do wonders to keep everyone organized. Color code with markers or post-it’s and remember to schedule in some fun.
We’re wishing you a great start to the new school year! If you’re ready to tackle your interior design to-do list this fall, give us a shout anytime.
This blog post utilizes both photos owned by HHC Living and curated photos. We’re happy to give proper credit at any time.